A Wonderful Evening …

A capacity audience filled St. James the Apostle Anglican Church for “Sing We All!” the annual Christmas concert program. This year marked the sixth year the Men of the Tay would hold their seasonal concert, and for the first time the local community was favoured to listen to the Women of the Tay.

By all reports the evening was a success. The choruses performed at their best and were rewarded with warm applause throughout the evening. Everyone joined in a sing-a-long of favourite carols which included readings of the Nativity story from the Gospel of Luke.

Special notes of thanks must be given to: St. James Church for allowing the choir to use the sanctuary for the concert, both the UCDSB and CDSBEO for facilitating the weekly rehearsals, to the Perth Courier for the article on the choirs and to LAKE 88.1 for helping with the publicity.

If you are interested in becoming a member of either chorus:

The Men of the Tay resume practices on Monday, January 19th at 7:00 PM in the Music Room at Perth and District Collegiate Institute.

The Women of the Tay resume practices on Wednesday, January 21st at 7:00 PM in the Music Room at St. Johns Catholic High School.

Both choruses are looking forward to a full season of music and singing together and will be appearing at many events throughout the winter, spring and summer months.