Asuu Strike Agreement

On Wednesday, December 23, 2020, the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) reached an agreement with the Nigerian government, ending the long-standing strike that had kept students out of the classroom for over nine months.

The agreement was reached during the twentieth meeting between ASUU and the Nigerian government. It was signed by both parties and contained several provisions to improve the funding and infrastructure of Nigerian universities.

One of the key provisions in the agreement is the release of N70 billion to Nigerian universities to improve their facilities and infrastructure. This funding would also go towards addressing the backlog of salary arrears owed to university lecturers.

Another provision in the agreement is the establishment of a committee to monitor the implementation of the agreement. This committee will consist of representatives from ASUU, the Nigerian government, and other stakeholders in the Nigerian education system.

ASUU had originally gone on strike due to several issues, including the government`s failure to implement previous agreements, underfunding of universities, and poor working conditions for lecturers. However, with the signing of this agreement, it is expected that these issues will be addressed, and the nation`s universities will be better equipped to provide quality education to their students.

The ASUU strike had a severe impact on the education system in Nigeria, with many students unable to complete their academic programs and several others forced to seek education abroad. With the end of the strike, stakeholders are hopeful that Nigerian universities will be able to bounce back and regain their status as centers of academic excellence.

In conclusion, the agreement reached between ASUU and the Nigerian government is a significant milestone in the education sector. It demonstrates that meaningful dialogue and negotiation can result in positive outcomes, and that with adequate funding and support, Nigeria`s universities can fulfill their mandate of providing quality education to the nation`s youth.
