Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Class 8 with Answers

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar in the English language. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb of a sentence- they must match in number (singular or plural). In English, subject-verb agreement errors are common, particularly among non-native speakers. That`s why it`s important to practice and understand the rules governing subject-verb agreement.

For Class 8 students studying English, mastering subject-verb agreement is vital. To help them in their studies, we`ve put together some multiple choice questions (MCQs) with answers to help them practice and improve their understanding of the topic.

MCQs on Subject-Verb Agreement for Class 8 Students:

1. The _____ of the class _____ English fluently.

a) majority, speaks

b) majority, speak

c) majorities, speaks

d) majorities, speak

Answer: b) majority, speak

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “majority,” which is a singular noun. Therefore, the verb “speak” must be conjugated to match the singular subject, resulting in “majority speaks.”

2. Each of the boys _____ two sandwiches for lunch.

a) eat

b) eats

c) ate

d) eating

Answer: b) eats

Explanation: “Each” means every individual, indicating that the subject is singular. Thus, the verb “eats” should be used to match the singular subject.

3. The book, as well as the pencil, _____ on the table.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) were

Answer: a) is

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “the book,” which is singular. The phrase “as well as the pencil” is simply adding additional information but doesn`t affect the subject-verb agreement. Therefore, the verb “is” should be used to match the singular subject.

4. Neither the teacher nor the students _____ excited about the upcoming exam.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) were

Answer: a) is

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “neither,” which is a singular subject. Therefore, the verb “is” should be used to match the singular subject.

5. My parents, along with my brother and sister, _____ planning a surprise party for my birthday.

a) is

b) are

c) was

d) were

Answer: b) are

Explanation: The subject of the sentence is “my parents,” “brother,” and “sister,” which are all plural subjects. Therefore, the verb “are” should be used to match the plural subject.


Subject-verb agreement may seem complicated, but by understanding the rules and practicing with MCQs, Class 8 students can improve their skills. This knowledge will not only help them in their English exams but also in the real world as they communicate effectively and accurately.
