Wspp Current Agreement

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WSPP Current Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Western Systems Power Pool (WSPP) is an organization of companies that operate in the western region of the United States and Canada. The main objective of WSPP is to provide reliable electric power to customers in the region. To achieve this goal, WSPP members have entered into an agreement that governs their operations and activities. This article will provide you with an overview of the WSPP current agreement and what you need to know about it.

WSPP Current Agreement Overview

WSPP current agreement is a set of rules and regulations that govern the activities of the electric power companies that are members of WSPP. The agreement was first established in 1986 and has been revised a few times since then. It covers a wide range of topics, including power supply planning, scheduling, billing, and settlement. The agreement also establishes a dispute resolution process for any disagreements that might arise between the members.

The current agreement is divided into several sections, each of which covers a different aspect of the operation of WSPP members. Here are some of the main sections of the agreement:

1. Membership: This section sets out the requirements for becoming a member of WSPP and the rights and responsibilities of members.

2. Planning and Coordination: This section covers the planning and coordination of power supply among the members. It also establishes the requirements for submitting and approving power supply plans.

3. Scheduling and Dispatch: This section covers the scheduling and dispatch of power among the members. It also establishes the rules for calculating and paying for the use of the transmission system.

4. Billing and Settlement: This section covers the billing and settlement of charges among the members. It establishes the timeframes for submitting and paying bills and the rules for resolving billing disputes.

5. Dispute Resolution: This section establishes a process for resolving disputes that might arise between the members. The process includes negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

What You Need to Know

If you are a customer of one of the electric power companies that are members of WSPP, there are a few things you should know about the current agreement:

1. The agreement ensures reliable power supply: The main objective of the agreement is to ensure that customers receive reliable electric power. The agreement establishes a planning and coordination process among the members, which helps ensure that there is enough power to meet demand.

2. The agreement establishes fair rules for billing and settlement: One of the biggest benefits of the agreement for customers is that it establishes fair rules for billing and settlement. The agreement ensures that each member pays its fair share of the costs of operating the electric power system.

3. The agreement establishes a dispute resolution process: If there is a dispute between the members, the agreement establishes a process for resolving it. This helps ensure that any disagreements are resolved fairly and quickly.


In summary, the WSPP current agreement is a set of rules and regulations that govern the activities of the electric power companies that are members of WSPP. The agreement is designed to ensure reliable power supply to customers and establishes fair rules for billing and settlement. If you are a customer of one of the members, the agreement provides some assurance that you will receive reliable electric power and that you will be charged fairly for it.
