What is the purpose of the choruses?
The choruses provide an opportunity for members of the community who like to sing an opportunity to come together, learn and enjoy each others talents through music. We utilize high quality professional arrangements to bring ourselves together in harmony. Concerts and performances are an added benefit to being a member of the chorus.
How much does it cost to be a member?
The choruses do not have a set fee. Each year the costs of the new music is divided among the number of members within the chorus. Some seasons there has been no cost at all, while others it is between $30-$50. Any monies made during the year are used to offset the music costs. Any member who has difficulties with the costs of the music simply talks to the director in confidence and other arrangements are made. We do not use photocopies!
The Men also contribute a small weekly amount towards our accompanist. This reimburses her for the music lessons she misses each week while she is with choir.
Do I need to buy a special uniform?
The choruses perform in “normal” clothes. For example: dark pants, a white shirt and a vest for the men; a black ensemble for the women. Before the concert we discuss what we would like to wear and then try to achieve a harmonious look. You should not have to go out an buy special clothes to be a member.
What about a music folder?
Every chorus member needs a black folder or binder to hold their music. We prefer if you use a binder that does not require you to punch holes in the copies. There are binder page holders (example) that the music simply slips through and the holder clips into the binder. Many of the choristers have purchased their own music folder, which has an elastic mechanism inside for holding the music. Examples of these can be seen at https://www.musicfolder.com and are also available in Ottawa. These folders will help you with your music in a concert and in rehearsal. Ask the director and she will help you.
How are concerts and performances arranged?
Each year the chorus attempts to have a Christmas and a June concert. Any other engagement during the year is put to the entire group and a vote is taken on taking on the booking. If there is sufficient interest and enough members of every section available the we commit to the engagement.
Many of our bookings come through our members who belong or work with groups that can benefit from our talents.
When are your concerts?
Traditionally our Christmas Concert takes place the second Sunday of December starting at 2:00 PM. Both choirs come together for this concert. In the spring, we normally have separate concerts in the first or second week of June. The Men’s concert takes place on Monday at 7:30 PM. The Women’s concert takes place on Wednesday at 7:30 PM. Our dress rehearsals take place at our regular rehearsal schedule times.
What about rehearsals and bad weather?
If the school buses do not run then there is no rehearsal that evening, even if the weather improved. Similarly, we normally do not meet on school holidays or other days when the schools are closed. We normally do not meet on Thanksgiving Monday but will attempt to bring both choruses together on the following Wednesday. We will send out a reminder email and post the rehearsal notice on this website. If we have to cancel a rehearsal late in the day then we will activate a phone tree, email and post a notice. No one should ever venture out in poor weather.
I travel out of the country each winter, can I still join?
Absolutely. Many of our members must leave the chorus for a short period of time on business or personal reasons. We will be happy to welcome you back when you return. Make sure the director knows in advance! If you have to step out for a season and the numbers in each chorus are at maximum, you may have to return to the waiting list until a space opens up. Things also crop up quickly and accommodations can be made as needed.
I want to join, but it is later in the season, should I come out?
Please come and speak with the director. Sometimes you can sing with us right away. Sometimes we have a waiting list of potential members. If we have a concert imminent you may be asked to step aside until next season. Soon you will be enjoying your time with us and we can always use your talents.
I have to leave the chorus, what about my music?
Members who must leave us are asked to return all of their music. It is impossible to replace single copies of music to give to an incoming new member. Often the minimal order is 30 or more copies so it was decided that since the chorus has paid for the majority of the arrangements and does not charge additional fees to be a member, the music would ultimately belong to the chorus. All music belongs to the chorus and is retained in the chorus music library.